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BurlingtonJunior School

Religious Education (R.E.)

Through R.E., children will develop a deeper understanding of world religions, preparing them well for life in modern Britain, where British values are upheld and where people live alongside others from different faiths and cultures with respect and tolerance.

 “I enjoy R.E lessons because I can learn about other religions and learn about my religion too.”

Year 5 Pupil

“I enjoy R.E because I love learning about different religions and how they worship and how they celebrate.”

Year 6 Pupil

Our R.E. Learning Journey

The school has no affiliation with any religion but follows the Kingston Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. This syllabus aims to help children develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and non-religious beliefs and concepts.

Some year groups also have a series of lessons taught by Insight, a Christian group, who support Kingston schools.

Enrichment in R.E.

Throughout their time at Burlington Junior School, pupils participate in a number of workshops and assemblies which enhance pupils' learning about different religions. This includes a Diwali workshop in Year 4, assemblies about different religious festivals and visits to local places of worship of different faiths. 

In the classroom, pupils are encouraged to share their own experiences of religious festivals and celebrations with their classes.

“It is fun to learn about festivals in different countries/religions. I also enjoyed being an expert in Hinduism.”

Year 4 Pupil

Useful Learning Links

 BBC Bitesize - Religious Education




Parental Right to Withdraw Pupils from R.E.

For more information about the parental right to withdraw pupils from Religious Education, please click here
