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BurlingtonJunior School

Our School Day

Our school is organised into 16 classes with four classes in each year groups. Each class has an assigned teacher or teachers, and we have a team of higher-level teaching assistants, teaching assistants and learning support assistants who work across the school to ensure access for all. 

Our school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.25pm (totalling 33 hours and 20 mins across a week). 

At 8.50am, a bell will ring and the school gates are closed. Pupils should be in their classrooms at this time and registers will be taken. 

The school day is slightly different for upper and lower Key Stage Two as morning breaks fall at different times. We have shared an example of an upper and lower school timetable below.

Our school timetable reflects the variety of curriculum subjects detailed in the Primary National Curriculum. For more information on the curriculum subjects studied in your child's year group, please see the curriculum overviews on our website. 

Lower School (Year 3 and Year 4)

Pupils in Year 3 and Year 4 have their break at 10.45am and their lunch break between 12.25pm and 1.25pm. 

Upper School  (Year 5 and Year 6)

Pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 have their break at 11.10am and their lunch break between 12.25pm and 1.25pm. 

How do I give permission for my child to walk home alone?

Pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 are able to walk home alone with the permission of parents/carers. If a parent/carer makes the decision to let their child walk home alone, they should make this known in writing either by writing and signing a handwritten note, or by emailing


