Our Curriculum
‘Building foundations for life.’
At Burlington Junior School, we believe that a broad and balanced curriculum which stimulates curiosity is essential in instilling a lifelong love of learning.
We provide all pupils with transferable knowledge, skills and understanding which they can utilise in later life. In doing so, our pupils are encouraged to think critically about their learning and develop a clear sense of who they are and how they can positively contribute to society. Our coherent curriculum is inclusive and regularly reviewed to ensure that it is relevant and reflective of our pupils and the wider community.
Throughout the curriculum, pupils will develop a deep understanding of a number of universal concepts which allows them to make links within and across different subject areas throughout their time at our school:
heritage, identity, responsibility, sustainability, collaboration, competition
democracy, community, equality, sacrifice, liberty, resilience
This conceptual knowledge will support pupils in understanding how they can make a positive contribution to society as they progress to secondary school and beyond.
Our Curriculum Intent:
- For all children to become fluent and effective readers to enable them to access the wider curriculum, develop a rich vocabulary and enjoy reading for pleasure and as a door to a lifelong love of learning;
- To develop all children’s vocabulary through explicit teaching;
- For all children to become fluent in and be able to manipulate number to support problem solving and reasoning, through a maths mastery approach. This extends into other areas of the curriculum such as science, design and technology, computing and geography;
- To ensure all children understand how to keep themselves healthy, both physically and mentally, to support their long-term well-being. In doing so, we aim to develop pupils’ emotional vocabulary to support them in expressing their feelings;
- To develop knowledge and skills through progressive curriculum content and concepts, preparing them for secondary school and lifelong learning;
- To develop our pupils as curious learners who are confident in exploring new concepts;
- To allow all pupils to make meaningful links in their learning in a range of subjects to enhance their understanding;
- To provide pupils with opportunities to revisit prior learning in order to secure knowledge and skills in their long-term memory;
- To encourage all pupils to develop their written and spoken communication skills, enabling them to participate in debate which challenges and offers viewpoints in a respectful manner;
- To develop all pupils’ understanding of themselves as learners and build their resilience and problem-solving skills to become creative thinkers;
- To instil an understanding of, and deep respect for, the beliefs, cultures, needs and differences of others.
The National Curriculum
Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. Please click on the following link for more information about this.