We strive to ensure that all of our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when reading, writing, speaking and listening, which will give them the fundamental tools to achieve throughout their lives. We aim to immerse pupils in the wonders of quality texts, to instil a love of reading, a passion for discovery and a confidence to explore their imagination.
For more information about how we teach reading at Burlington Junior School, please visit our reading website page.
Our English Overview
English topics are planned around an engaging and exciting stimulus, usually in the form of a high quality text. We carefully select each text to include a range of rich vocabulary, stimulating content and diversity to add to our children's cultural capital. The children will start by reading and exploring the text through a range of methods such as analysis, drama and exploring vocabulary. They are then given opportunities to write within a range of genres as well as for a range of purposes, inspired by what they have read.
"There have been a lot of resources throughout my time at Burlington that have helped me improve my writing, such as high-quality books. We complete a variety of written genres and there is always time given to edit each piece so we can learn to improve our work."
"Burlington has taught me that we all have our own strengths and that there is always the necessity to build on your confidence, so, go out of your comfort zone and explore different styles of writing."
Year 6 Pupil
Enrichment in English
We are continually looking to promote English within the school and develop chlidren's confidence and enjoyment of reading and writing. This is achieved using a range of resources and activities: a well-resourced library; author visits; participation in book festivals; school trips to book stores; celebrations of English through curriculum days such as World Book Day.
"Burlington has given me the opportunity to read informative and inspiring books. The main school library and every classroom's book corner is full of books! I have found so many new books to read that entertain me and help me grow my vocabulary. There are always opportunities to read new books during events such as World Book Day and book fairs. I love it when we are given tokens to buy new books or are taken on school trips to book shops."
Year 4 Pupil
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Handwriting
Grammar and punctuation play a key role in writing. At Burlington, specific grammar skills are selected to link with what the children are writing. They are taught these key skills and then given the opportunity to use these skills in their writing.
Spellings are introduced in discrete spelling lessons where children are taught spelling rules and encouraged to identify patterns within groups of words. Children are encouraged to use these words and other words from the Year 3 and 4 and the Year 5 and 6 word lists in their written work. Children are given a set of spellings linked to a specific spelling rule being taught at school to practise at home. These are then tested as part of a dictation lesson, where children have to listen and write down sentences using some of these words. The school reading diary contains suggestions of how to practise spelling at home:
Children are expected to write neatly and with joined writing in order to achieve a pen licence. Any child finding this challenging will be identified and access a handwriting intervention. Please see below for our pen licence success criteria and examples of cursive handwriting:
Pen Licence Success Criteria:
- There is an expectation that all handwriting will be joined, legible and neat.
- To have capital letters that are twice the size of lower case letters.
- To ensure letters start and finish on the lines.
- To use clear ascenders (b, d, h, k, l, t) and descenders (f, g, p, q, y).
- Once a child has shown these skills consistently across five pieces of writing, each receiving a green dot, they will receive a pen licence.
- Children will then write in blue ink across all exercise books except maths.
Useful Learning Links
Oak National Academy - English
BBC Bitesize - English